How You Can Stop Illegal Robocalls

Whether we’re sitting down to dinner or running an errand, our phones are with us — often bearing calls from criminals. Those crooks are behind an endless stream of illegal robocalls dangling goodies such as free cruises or lottery jackpots, demanding payment for nonexistent debts or perpetrating some other scam to steal your money or…

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Five Tips for New Grandparents

My granddaughter was 6 months old when her parents introduced “baby-led weaning.” My daughter and son-in-law placed pieces of finely chopped food on Annie’s high chair tray. The idea was to allow her to explore different tastes and textures, while learning how to eat by herself safely. Frankly, I was appalled. When I was a…

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6 Financial Mistakes You’ll Regret When You’re Older

Americans with retirement on the horizon are worried. A recent AARP survey found that 20 percent of adults 50-plus have no money saved for retirement and 61 percent are concerned they will not have enough money to support themselves during their so-called golden years. Add unexpected injuries, illnesses, divorces and deaths to the mix and it’s easy…

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Does Alcohol Raise Blood Pressure?

Talk about taking some of the “happy” out of happy hour. Experts have known for a while that heavy drinking — meaning eight or more drinks per week for women and 15-plus per week for men — raises your risk for high blood pressure (a.k.a. hypertension). When blood pressure, the force of blood flowing through your…

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Sober Curious? 10 Expert Tips to Cut Back on Alcohol

“I don’t like the way alcohol makes me feel anymore,” says Ellen Albertson, a 61-year-old psychologist and registered dietitian in North Hero, Vermont. She’s currently in breast cancer remission and cutting back on vices that could put her at future risk. In addition, she wants to work more toward practicing what she preaches as a…

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How to Start Gratitude Journaling for a Better You This Year

Acknowledging what you’re grateful for is about more than just appreciating life; it’s about maintaining your mental and physical health and being a better human to yourself and others. But being grateful isn’t always easy (especially when you’re having a rough go of it). One easy way to keep our inner naysayer at bay: gratitude…

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