The Underlying Issue of Caregiving: Fear 

Peter* was my go-to guy when it came to all things gardening in the summer. He is one of my favorite relatives in an extended network of family that vacations at the same lake in upstate New York each summer, and we have a shared language of composting and bulb planting, soil supplements and dahlia…

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How Is Traumatic Brain Injury Different in Older Adults?

On a November afternoon in 2022, Scott Chatham and Tucker, a rambunctious golden retriever, set out for a walk around his North Carolina neighborhood. Just a few yards away from the house, Tucker jerked the leash to pursue something. As the 73-year-old scrambled to recover control, he flipped over the dog, coming down hard and…

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Healthy Aging Tips for the Older Adults in Your Life

If you have older family members or loved ones, you may worry about their health as they age. Aging increases the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and dementia. The good news is that adopting and maintaining a few key behaviors can help older adults live longer, healthier…

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Does ‘Cozy Cardio’ Really Work for Older Exercisers?

Anybody who’s stepped foot on a treadmill, power-walked their way around the neighborhood or suited up for an aqua aerobics class knows, cardio — short for cardiovascular exercise — is many things. Sweaty. Challenging. Invigorating. Intense. But cozy? Hardly ever. And yet a type of exercise dubbed “cozy cardio” is looking to redefine what it…

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6 Reasons to Start Pilates at Any Age

Pilates is an excellent choice for those looking to begin a safe, effective and fun workout. Even if you aren’t in the habit of exercising, it’s never too late to start. Pilates is possible at any age and may help prevent falls and improve joint health. Pilates is a mind-body, low-impact exercise focusing on core…

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Q&A: How Music Can Cultivate a Healthy Brain

AARP’s Music and Memory project explores the extraordinary role music plays in our lives and on our health.  As part of the series, AARP spoke with Julene Johnson, a cognitive neuroscientist at the Institute for Health & Aging at the University of California, San Francisco, to discuss music’s role in the health of our brains.…

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